Business Thank You Notes for Corporate Speakers

Business thank you notes can be great tools of encouragement.

For instance, most of know by experience how much work goes into a good presentation.

Presenters often work for weeks on a talk that may last only 30 minutes.

The background research alone can consume a great deal of time. Statistical, environmental or other data must be gathered.

Surveys or interviews are sometimes required.

So, if a busy colleague has gone the extra mile to deliver an exceptional presentation, a note of thanks is definitely in order!

The following business thank you notes can be used to thank a coworker for a compelling presentation made in the workplace.

Business Thank You Notes

Just a note to congratulate you on the outstanding presentation you made today on corporate social responsibility. Your point that socially responsible business practices will enhance, rather than diminish profits, was spot on.

This is something that upper-level managers like myself can never afford to forget; particularly in today's super-competitive marketplace.

Thank you for a most engaging talk. You have challenged each of us to help repair the reputation of business by developing a reputation for reliability and fairness.

Best wishes,


I came away from your lecture last night with a renewed excitement for sustainable building design. Congratulations and many thanks for a great presentation.

Your argument on the long-term benefits of green architecture for the environment was compelling. Your statistical and visual data really helped to drive your points home with the audience.

Thank you for your careful preparation. I look forward to hearing from you again soon.


More Business Thank You Note Examples

We have all been raving about your presentation to the board last month. I knew you had it in you--Congratulations!

Your courage and integrity to tackle some of our most pressing management issues was admirable. No one could have done a better job.

As I said before, you had no reason for concern about the meeting. Your talk was the shot in the arm that we all needed. Paul is sure to call on you to present again.

Wishing you continued success,



Congratulations on the great speech you gave at the shareholders' meeting!

As you so eloquently stated, the technology deficit has indeed become a major issue.

I was especially impressed by your PowerPoint presentation.

Your supporting data really brought the depth of the problem home to the shareholders.

There is no doubt that you will be called upon to present again. I wish you much continued success. We are all looking forward to hearing you again soon.

Best wishes,

Need a tasteful gift for a colleague? Check out our gourmet chocolate baskets page.

For additional thank you note samples for the workplace, see our business thank you notes for colleagues and clients page.

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